I would like to put here some notes about the thermometers in OpenWrt and Turris.
My personal blog about Linux, opensource applications and related technologies.
22 April, 2014
Turris - OpenWRT and thermometers
I would like to put here some notes about the thermometers in OpenWrt and Turris.

16 April, 2014
Turris - OpenWrt configuration
You can find out some details about Turris wifi router, lot of photos and some command outputs in my previous blog post. Now I would like to describe the way how I configured it according the network diagram:

I will also need my own web pages, transmission torrent client, microsd card, Dynamic DNS and extend the luci interface to add some more stats + graphs. Here are the steps how I did it. There is no guarantee it will work for another Turris router.
I will also need my own web pages, transmission torrent client, microsd card, Dynamic DNS and extend the luci interface to add some more stats + graphs. Here are the steps how I did it. There is no guarantee it will work for another Turris router.
09 April, 2014
Turris - The Open Enterprise Wi-Fi Router
Few months ago I joined the Turris project (turris.cz) which is a not-for-profit research project of CZ.NIC. I don't want to describe the details of the project, because you can find it on it's web page. In short the company standing behind the project take care about the Internet security and their idea was to measure number of attacks / suspicious traffic by giving the wifi routers to the participants.
The wifi router was designed by the company and it's quite powerfull machine costs 600$. In the first "round" some project members got the wifi router for free so I would like to share here the details bout it, because it's open hardware/software platform.
The wifi router was designed by the company and it's quite powerfull machine costs 600$. In the first "round" some project members got the wifi router for free so I would like to share here the details bout it, because it's open hardware/software platform.