The latest Ansible 2.4 is working fine with Packer + Qemu + WinRM when you want to create the Windows images:
My personal blog about Linux, opensource applications and related technologies.
24 October, 2017
Create Windows image using Packer and Ansible and then run it in Vagrant (libvirt)
I saw many Packer templates which are used to build the Windows images on Github. Almost all of them are using PowerShell scripts or DOS-style batch files. Ansible can use WinRM to manage Windows for some time - therefore I decided to use it also with Packer when building the images. Because of the bug it was not possible to use Ansible 2.3 (or older) with Packer + WinRM.
The latest Ansible 2.4 is working fine with Packer + Qemu + WinRM when you want to create the Windows images:

The latest Ansible 2.4 is working fine with Packer + Qemu + WinRM when you want to create the Windows images: