20 April, 2018

Running Kubernetes on AppVeyor with minikube

When I was playing with Kubernetes I made a lot of notes how to do things. Then I realized it may be handy to put those notes to Github and let them go through some CI to be sure they are correct.

I was looking for some way how to run Kubernetes via minikube in Travis CI and there are "some" ways: https://blog.travis-ci.com/2017-10-26-running-kubernetes-on-travis-ci-with-minikube

Unfortunately I didn't have much luck with latest minikube (0.26) and latest Kubernetes (1.10) when I tried to make it working on Travis.
It looks like there are some problems with running the latest stuff on Travis and people are using older Kubernetes/minikube versions (like here: https://github.com/LiliC/travis-minikube/blob/master/.travis.yml).

Instead of troubleshoot Travis CI - I decided to use AppVeyor.

It's another free service like Travis doing basically the same, but it has some advantages:

AppVeyor was mainly focused on Windows builds, but recently they announced the Linux build support (which is now in beta phase). Anyway possibility of using Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (compare to old Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 in Travis) and SSH access to the VM makes it really interesting for CI.

I decided to try to use minikube with AppVeyor - so here is .appveyor.yml sample:

Real example:

Maybe if you will need to test some Kubernetes commands / scripts / etc... you can use minikube and AppVeyor...

Enjoy :-)

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